Signs of Delirium & Treatments | MedStar Health
Image of a healthcare professional and a patient in delirium therapy

How you can help someone with signs of delirium?

It’s normal to feel scared watching your loved one be confused and disoriented. There are ways you can help. If you suspect your loved one is starting to suffer from delirium, here are a few things you can do:

  1. Record the time and date when the change was noticed.
  2. Speak in a calm, soothing voice and tell your loved one where they are and remind them who you are.
  3. Find the list of your loved one’s medications to give to the doctor or nurse.
  4. Turn off the TV or loud music.
  5. Avoid sudden movements.
  6. Encourage them to put on their glasses or hearing aids, and put in dentures.
  7. Encourage them to use the bathroom, if necessary.
  8. Encourage an increase in activity. Use diversions such as going for a walk together.
  9. Provide a warm blanket if he or she is cold.
  10. Provide food or water if he or she is allowed to eat or drink.
  11. Contact his or her doctor.

Help prevent another episode

  1. You may be able to help prevent another episode. Here’s how:
  2. Provide favorite photos, blankets, or pillows.
  3. Encourage other family members and friends to visit.
  4. Use large clocks and calendars.
  5. Keep a consistent routine.
  6. Make sure the dosage and timing of medications is consistent.
  7. Check to make sure dentures, hearing aids, or eyeglasses are working properly.
  8. Play calming, familiar music.
  9. Make sure he or she is getting enough sleep.

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Psychiatrist performing therapy with young patient

Expert behavioral therapy care

Getting the care you need starts with seeing one of our behavioral therapists.